Articles & News

If effectively addressing addiction was easy and straightforward, we would have done so already. In reality, it is a multifaceted condition that defies narrow solutions. There are complex genetic and

We are deeply saddened by the news that our friend and colleague Rowdy Yates passed away. Through work in the field of addiction and recovery, we had the opportunity to

January 12, 2022 ~ billstaufferpa Earlier this week, I had the opportunity to testify in front of the PA Senate Judiciary Committee in favor of legalizing Fentanyl Test Strips. One

There’s been a lot of grim news about addiction—but there are big gains, too Our collective mental health has been under siege for nearly two years. In no way does

In the opening decade of the 2000s, there were calls from multiple quarters to shift the organizing center of the alcohol and other drug (AOD) problems field from a focus

Even as the opioid epidemic dominated national attention over the past decade, the rate of overdose deaths involving cocaine, methamphetamine and other stimulants tripled, a new study in veterans suggests.

EXIT Magazine 2018 is dedicated to Mental Health and Mental Healthcare: Benefits of Addiction Treatment for Individuals, Communities and Governments. Dianova Portugal’s corporate external EXIT® Magazine 2018 is now available

Leaders with Lived Experience is a pilot programme providing National Lottery grants of between £20,000 and £50,000 to support lived experience leadership. A lived experience leader is someone who uses

Addiction recovery is far more than the removal of drugs from an otherwise unchanged life. Recent definitions of recovery transcend radical changes in the person-drug relationship and encompass enhanced global

Addiction recovery is best viewed as a process rather than an event, but the transition into recovery can sometimes be more a cataclysm than a product of incremental steps—more a

The Recovery games events aim to celebrate recovery and make recovery visible in the community as well as to create a common bond and to challenge exclusion and stigmatisation. When

Dianova International launches the “Bringing Addiction Stigma to an End” campaign on the occasion of the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, on June 26th The campaign’s objective

Campaigners are tragically misguided in claiming that decriminalisation will solve anything, Melanie Phillips warns in The Times. Normalising drug-taking increases the numbers taking illegal substances and the harm they do.

A growing body of research describes how the lives of dependent drinkers (and drug users) can change as they move from active addiction to recovery. Sheffield Hallam University, Alcohol Research

Professor David Best, who led a series of recovery-focused research studies in the UK, US and Australia, shared with us more details around Life in Recovery research. This research will

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