
The 61 Session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND) took place last week, from 12 to 16 March 2018, in Vienna, Austria. The CND is the unique opportunity for

A second wave of Life in Recovery has been launched on January 15 by Sheffield Hallam University, as part of a European research programme on pathways to recovery. The Life

The international conference “Parliamentarians Against Drugs” took place on 4 December in Moscow, Russia. The forum was held by the State Duma with participation of the United Nations; and the

Triple R Project partners from Italy, Spain, Belgium, Sweden and Croatia organised the International conference on Recovery, Rehabilitation and social Reinsertion in Zagreb, Croatia to share expertise on addiction, rehabilitation,

12th „Swerige mot narkotika“ (Sweden Against Drugs) conference took place on September 20-21 and was hosted by ECAD Sverige- European Cities Against Drugs and the City Eskilstune. The Fair has

On Friday 28 April, Recovered Users Network –RUN hosted annual meeting in Gothenburg, Sweden.  In total, 14 delegates from 12 different RUN member organisations participated in the meeting. All organizations are working

Dianova has published an article about our Recovery campaign at the last CND. By Lucía Goberna, Dianova 05/04/2017 The #WeDoRecover” exhibition focused on the issue “Recovery in communities” to give visibility

The 60th Commission on Narcotic Drugs took place from 13th to 17th March 2017 in Vienna, Austria. It has been a session of records regarding the number of participants and

The Conference took place from 10- 12 October 2016, at the Hotel Medena in Trogir, Croatia. The main topics of the Conference 1. Developing access to prevention and treatment of

The UN General Assembly Special Session on Drugs (UNGASS) 2016 was finally held from 19 – 21 April 2016 at United Nations Headquarters in New York. Recovered Users Network-RUN has

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